While security awareness programs, regular updates to anti-malware, application whitelists, and data back-up cover your security basics, organizations need to understand that ransomware is just one form of exploit that can easily be replaced by another. According to Forrester, an estimated 80 percent of data breaches are tied to privileged access abuse.
By implementing Identity-Centric Privileged Access Management (PAM) based on Zero Trust principles, organizations can address the number one cause of today’s data breaches — privileged access abuse — while minimizing the impact of a ransomware attack.
Join our CyberCast to learn the best practices to minimize your exposure to ransomware while protecting against credential-based cyber-attacks. During the lively discussion we’ll cover:
- Ransomware trends
- Business continuity considerations
- Preventive measures
- Identity-Centric PAM as a multi-purpose solution